Essential Oils Workshop:

July 31 at Cocomotion Patchogue


Curious about essential oils and how they can enhance your life?
So was I! Then I started using them. Essential oils are little miracles in a bottle.

They have become a part of my families daily routine from daily skin care, anti-aging, bug-bites to sleep enhancing.
I use them for everything including my yoga practice.

but Why you ask? What do they do?

A Natural Solution to Wellness

We will discuss this all and more together:
-Discover the top 10 essential oils and how to use them
-Enhance your day with daily routines
-Essential oils for emotional wellness
-Essential Oils for BUG BITES!
-Essential Oils for Aging
-Essential oils for health
-Create your own aroma-spray!

Bring your Questions!

Register online or by calling Cocomotion directly.